
Private D&O Loss Data

Advisen’s D&O loss data is a proprietary relational database of information about various events affecting public & private companies which have or could result in significant judgments or loss to directors, officers and corporate entities.

This database spans 93 countries and includes losses for the last 20 years while the oldest entry is from 1938.

Advisen’s Loss Data is based on publicly known information about a wide variety of situations that have a financial impact on businesses.

As it is not claims data, it is not truncated by limits, censored by retentions, or limited by application of policy wordings.

Private Company D&O Risks

Advisen’s Private D&O dataset includes losses stemming from a wide array of events, among them:

Business Practices Risks

Corporate Capital Risks

Government & Municipal Risks

Shareholder Risks

Trade Practices Risks

Management & Fiduciary Risks

Financial Practices

Services & Operations

General Litigation

D&O Events for Private Companies
Private D&O cases outside the US
Private D&O losses

Want to Learn More?

To learn more about how you can better quantify D&O risk using Advisen’s data, request a customized, one-on-one demo today!

Interested in public company D&O data? Visit us HERE

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