Insurance Program Benchmarking Methodology

201707 Insurance Program Benchmarking Methodology Cover_250x324_outlinedDownload Advisen’s free, 10-page “Insurance Program Benchmarking Methodology” paper which explains the methodology used to develop and maintain Advisen’s Insurance Program Database.

This database contains nearly 4 million insurance programs which represents over 650,000 insureds, 7,200 brokerages, 4,400 carriers, and 140 LOBs.


Advisen’s Insurance Program Benchmarking facility is a proprietary relational database of premium, limit, and retention data that is mapped to individual insureds and linked via a structured format to corresponding demographic and exposure data. All outputs reveal the characteristics of indicative insurance programs in force for “like” companies or peers which match the user-selected data filters. Individual insurance program details remain confidential, and the identity of the underlying insured is anonymized.

Brokers and insureds use this data to determine what other companies buy, substantiate renewal recommendations, and prepare for new client meetings.

Carriers use this data to target offerings and refine strategies based upon clearly observable buying patterns.

The principles and standards which support our patented Insurance Program Benchmarking utility are documented in this free paper along with clear explanations of how insurance program data is captured, collected, and curated.

This methodology report addresses the following questions:

  • How much data does Advisen have and what are the sources?
  • Which industries, LOBs, geographies, etc. are represented by this database?
  • How many resources are used to maintain and curate the database?
  • How frequently do we update the database?
  • How and why does data physically get contributed to this database?