Predictive Modeling Insights Conference - New York

January 19, 2017
8:00 am – 6:00 pm ET

New York Law School
185 West Broadway
New York, NY, 10013

Predictive Analytics, in conjunction with Big Data, is transforming insurance marketing, product development, underwriting, pricing and claims management. This full-day conference will highlight significant trends in the use of predictive models and Big Data within the insurance industry, and will provide decision-makers with a framework for evaluating potential applications within their companies.

The faculty will be drawn from the senior ranks of the insurance industry, as well as from leading consultants, vendors and research organizations. With an anticipated audience comprised of 200 insurance company business leaders, actuaries, senior claims professionals, and executives responsible for in-house data & analytics, this conference will provide insight on this important area. If you build or purchase a big-data tool or application or if you anticipate the addition of a predictive model in your insurance business, you’ll value this program.

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Full-time Risk Manager/Buyer of Insurance: Registration Qualifications

To attend any Advisen conference for free, you must be a full-time in-house Risk Manager/Buyer of Insurance at an insured only. This rate does not apply to consultants, those who take on this responsibility part-time, or those who are in the IT/Finance department. We cannot extend this offer to anyone whose principal function is not risk management.

Silver Sponsor

We consistently deliver an audience that is comprised of 20% Risk Managers & Insurance Buyers, Brokers (20%), Insurance Carriers (36%), Lawyers (6%), Service Providers (9%) and other insurance professionals (9%).

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