Thank you for your interest in speaking at an Advisen Event! We host some of the most influential conferences in the P&C arena, and we’re proud to showcase many of the industry’s leading minds on our faculty.
If you are interested or know of someone who will be interested in speaking at an Advisen conference, please read the following guidelines and submit a proposal.
Conference Timelines
Session outlines and event information will be posted on our Advisen Events pages.
Quality and Quantity
With very few exceptions, we usually have no more than four speakers on a panel. Please keep this in mind when submitting a session idea. Sessions generally run 40-50 minutes (depending on the topic) so the odds of one person speaking more than 20 minutes will be unlikely.
Case studies and practical real life examples are key. We understand the need for maintaining confidentiality and a competitive edge, but we encourage an in-depth learning experience and look to reveal trends and industry best practices. If needed, Advisen’s Research & Editorial staff can assist in reviewing session ideas with you.
Moderating a session is a highly regarded (yet difficult to execute) role. It is the moderator’s job to ask questions, generate discussion, instigate a controversial argument, involve the audience, and tell a story through the interaction of all participants. The moderator also summarizes the discussion, highlights key points of agreement and contention, identifies resources for further study, and ends the session in time to do Q&A with the audience. Before you ask for this role, be sure you have the intestinal fortitude to guide the discussion, panelists and audience. Ability to multi-task in front of an audience is a must. See our Moderator Guidelines.
Presentations Style and Format
Advisen generally steers away from hefty slide presentations, and instead encourages peer discussion on current topics. All presentations are typically made available for download post-conference. You will need permission to release any other information at a session, e.g. handouts or other promotional material.
Any speakers submitting slides will be required to do so prior to the event for final approval by Advisen. After the content has been approved it will then be inserted into the template for the event. Any slides brought the day of the event that haven’t been approved prior are not guaranteed to be used.
If you are a speaker, we will also ask you for a head shot to include in the agenda.
Submitting New Sessions
Attendees come to Advisen events expecting to get past the vendor hype and industry spin and learn the unvarnished truth, trends and industry comings and goings. Please be encouraged to offer submission ideas that are topical and relevant. Bear in mind that we receive so many submissions that we cannot reply to each inquiry, so if you have not heard from us, it is likely that we simply had no additional time within the requested conference to feature your submission.
PR Note: Public relations firms and in-house marketing & communication people are welcome to submit session ideas and speakers that are topical and relevant. However, the fastest route to not speaking is a well-intentioned, ill-informed PR pitch.
Competitive issues and conflicts
If you own the product or service or have a financial interest in the company you recommend, you have what we in the business refer to as “a bias.” If you are asked to speak about a topic that you have close financial ties to, you must disclose the nature of the relationship or excuse yourself from the discussion.
Advisen is focused on delivering relevant and topical information. The re-use of presentations from or stale content from a competitive event is not permitted at any time.
Avoid Selling Yourself (Short)
Speaking engagements build awareness of and credibility for your organization. The best speakers (and those invited back) know that being perceived as an expert through delivering quality content for the benefit of event delegates is far better than delivering a hard sell.
Submit Speaker Proposal
Now that you are prepared to speak at one of our upcoming conferences, submit a speaker proposal.