Aon Terrorism & Political Violence Risk Map: ‘Increasing regional instability’

By Josh Bradford on April 15, 2016

Riot police

Aon’s 2016 Terrorism & Political Violence Risk Map reports the first net increase in global terrorism risk since 2013.

 “Our 2016 map demonstrates increasing regional instability and a growing spectrum of potential risks,” said Scott Bolton, director in crisis management at Aon Risk Solutions.

 A significant driver is the so-called Islamic State (IS) which impacted the risk levels in more than a dozen countries. The report noted it is unprecedented for a singular organization or movement to be a driver behind so many countries risk ratings.

 In 2015 and early 2016, among others, the IS was responsible for mass casualty attacks in the United States, France, Turkey, and Belgium.

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Josh is an Editor at Advisen in the Research & Editorial division. He is the lead editor responsible for several of Advisen’s Front Page News editions and he also originates custom research on behalf of Advisen’s largest insurance company clients. Contact Josh at