M&A activity in the U.S. has reached pre-credit crisis levels and both corporate and private equity deal volumes are predicted to accelerate further. But the increase in deal volume doesn't mean the deals are getting any easier to close. In fact, one outcome of the economic crisis is an heightened emphasis on rigorous due diligence by cautious buyers.
At Advisen's Transaction Insurance Insights Conference, leading experts in M&A and transaction insurance products will outline current trends in M&A, discuss the due diligence process and the types of issues that often come to light, and explain how those issues can be addressed, including the use of transaction insurance products, so that deals can close.
Representations and warranties insurance, tax indemnity insurance, and contingent liability insurance, as well as other risk management and insurance options, will be examined. Insurance experts also will discuss transaction insurance market trends, explore the issues in selling the coverages, and explain why this is one of the fastest growing segments of the commercial insurance market.
This morning conference will be of value to investors, risk managers and insurance professionals who need to understand how transaction insurance products are making deals happen today, and how the M&A landscape is likely to be transformed in the future by the increasingly widespread use of these risk management tools.
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We consistently deliver an audience that is 25% or more comprised of Risk Managers & Insurance Buyers, Brokers (25%-30%), Insurance Companies (30%), Lawyers (10%), and other insurance professionals.
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